Ideas & Insights

Is That True?

About 14 years ago, a close friend told me of a “letting go” technique called the Sedona method…it was a tool that was used to...

The Metta Practice of Loving-Kindness

Loving kindness meditation or "Metta" is a traditional Buddhist prayer that wishes benevolence and good wishes toward oneself and another. It is not a religious...

Yoga and movement awareness classes with Rita

In the yoga and mindful movement classes, you will explore practices that will energize and strengthen you, helping you to release deep-seated tension and cultivate...

45 days of Metta, January 20-March 5, 2017

On Friday, January 20, 2017 at 6:30 a.m. Rita Naomi ( Rita Moran) will be inaugurating a Loving Kindness practice that will continue for 45...

Sensation: a Simple Method to Finding Your Center and Recovering Vitality

For most people, the oldest and most constant connection outside of our mothers is sensation. As babies, when we feel the sensation of hunger, we...

Reestablishing a Rhythm

When everything around you appears in disarray...your thoughts befuddled and nothing makes sense...there is usually 1 of these 2 things going on: "creational chaos" or...

Downloadable Practice for Centering in the Midst of Change

A step by step Home practice for Centering Oneself in the Midst of Change The one constant in life is change. To balance and maintain...

Making New Year’s Resolutions for 2017 (Part 2)

"Sometimes you hear a voice through a door calling you…This turning toward what you deeply love saves you." -Rumi My focus as a healer is...