Resolution fail…or success?
Good Day everyone…
We are almost midway through February and I have been hearing from people who are flagging in their “resolve” to change or do things differently than last year.
This brings up a few things that you may want to consider…
1.  What are your values? Are you living in alignment with them?
2. Do you remember your why? Why are you making changes?
3. Are they fun? Do they give you a feeling of happiness…or will they include more ultimate joy in your life? Making a change based on your values and doing something because “you have to” – this is fine – but you also must include some fun and joy in there.
4.  Have you made goals in a “S.M.A.R.T” way? That is in a specific, measurable, accessible, relatable, and time sensitive way? I tend to set goals quarterly which gives me time to review to see if I am on track. And when I say quarterly, I mean by the cycles of days through the equinox and solstices.
5. Set aside time to give yourself a pat on the back. Keep a daily journal of gratitude.
6. Include comfort in your goal setting and a day to rest. Very often goals get sabotaged because people cut out the only enjoyment they have, and then rationalize sabotaging their goals as a way to provide comfort. Choose healthy comforts: a regular sleep schedule, a massage, a dinner with friends or a dinner watching a funny movie and eating popcorn with your kids/adults who act like kids. Take a break when you need to so as not to tire yourself out with striving in every part of your life.
7. Embrace Discomfort. This might be the hardest one. We forget that discomfort is part of what makes muscles grow, our brain to be sharp, and our mind to stay clear. All physiological, psychological, and spiritual health involves a balance between comfort and discomfort. We have times of building up and times of taking it down, sometimes either one will feel uncomfortable. Get help with discernment here if you are struggling. Sometimes being comfortable is NOT healthy. For physical therapy and wholistic health, I help people understand this relationship.
8. Bring in kindness when in doubt. Kindness added to anything never hurt anyone, as long as you keep yourself at the hub of that kindness wheel.
9. Find yourself a group! If you are getting into trouble and discomfort that just isn’t going away, get yourself someone to talk to professionally or join a group to get some support.
10. Check out my book: The Unconventional Life: How to Escape the Rat Race and Live your Dream.” There are tools and tips on steps you can take to add balance, discernment, kindness, and happiness to your life, and the guidance for goal setting to do so – through affirmations and intention setting. Or give me a call to book an introductory session.
All the best…may your journey in life be filled with joyful lessons…may you know your worth and inherent value…