45 days of Metta, January 20-March 5, 2017

On Friday, January 20, 2017 at 6:30 a.m. Rita Naomi ( Rita Moran) will be inaugurating a Loving Kindness practice that will continue for 45 days, ending on March 5. The first session we will do online live via video. See @meditationhealingcompassion for more information.

A couple of things to know about the 45 day practice:

– This is a non-denominational practice. Most faith based practices practice Loving Kindness at their core; this meditation is extending the felt sense of love starting with ourselves individually then to others around us. On occasion, Rita will put a quote from a different tradition…Christian, Judiac, Muslim, or Buddhist.
– In a separate post from this one, Rita will send a link to a recording that you can listen to at home or on your phone via youtube to find out more about the Metta or Loving Kindness practice.
– The practice is for 45 days at your time and in your space, 1x/day. Research indicates 20 minutes/day for 2 weeks is recommended to make a “brain change”. Just like any commitment, decide on a time of day, length of time, the metta recording that works for you, and go from there.
– Like the page and follow it so you can receive daily posts for support.
– Comment on the page and read other people’s posts to receive insight and support during your own process. There is strength in numbers.
– Most traditions share 3 things: a teacher, teachings and community. Use the community here to your benefit and others.
– Interestingly, after working for over 20 years with people who have had chronic pain (including myself), the hardest shift for people to make is not in getting rid of pain but in allowing themselves to feel good, no matter the reason or the history. In a way, there has been so much pain for so long, to let in glimmers of love and feeling good can be very threatening to self identity…that self identity will be challenged. A loving identity is already there, we are just bringing her to the “front of the bus” to drive. Just understand that you may enter a no man’s land of transformation, a mirror of this country. Having support in community as well as friendships is very valuable to have during this process. If things do come up that are tough, it is best to seek support from a therapist or someone qualified to do so.
– Set up a quiet and safe feeling space, a place where you can sit up straight, move a bit and lie down. Have these things
A journal
Insight timer app
Chair with back
Yoga mat
– This meditation is worldwide and around the country. If you know of people in your area that are interested, it may be worthwhile to gather them together to meet up every week.
-This practice develops and sustains the resting place for action to occur, it is not the substitute for action you must take in your own life.
-Donations would be welcome at ritanaomi.com
– If you would like to help by leading a group or have other ideas and insights, message us @meditationhealingcompassion or [email protected]. Either I or an administrator will connect with you.